Questão 22ceceae-f9
Prova:IF Sudeste - MG 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read the lyrics below.

Don’t laugh at me

Mark Wills

I’m a little boy with glasses

The one they call the geek

A little girl who never smiles

’Cause I’ve got braces on my teeth

And I know how it feels

To cry myself to sleep

I’m that kid on every playground

Who’s always chosen last

A single teenage mother

Tryin’ to overcome my past

You don’t have to be my friend

But is it too much to ask

Don’t laugh at me

Don’t call me names

Don’t get your pleasure from my pain

In God’s eyes we’re all the same

Someday we’ll all have perfect wings

Don’t laugh at me (…)

Disponível em:<|> . Acesso em: 15 Set. 2017.

We can conclude that, as a whole, it is about:

children in conflict with their body because they‘ve been diagnosed with palsy.
someone who might fall victim to bullying and is begging for understanding.
some friends who are always laughing and having fun in the playground.
the way severe disabilities affect all human beings and impact their lives.
the cure for several diseases that affect our bodies or minds.


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