Questão 1dde3f9e-b9
Prova:UFRGS 2019
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta reescrita adequada, em discurso indireto, para a frase Then by way of digression he said: 'If you see a white man, take off your hat for him' (l. 44-46).

Then by way of digression he warned one to take off one’s hat if one had seen a white man.
Then by way of digression he said that if we saw a white man, we should take off our hats for him.
Then by way of digression he advised us to see a white man and take off our hats for him.
Then by way of digression he told us that if we saw a white man, we should take off his hat for him.
Then by way of digression he told that when we saw a white man, we must take off our hats for him.


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