Questão 16a5f6aa-5a
Prova:UFG 2011
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the Russian novelist Boris Pasternak, “literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary”. Taking his quote into account, which comment below, from the novel The Rain Before It Falls, by Jonathan Coe, reveals something extraordinary about something ordinary?

I wondered at first if she'd been singing along, when I saw the microphone in her hand.
I tried not to disturb anything. There were one or two adjustments I took the liberty of making.
I know that everybody smiles for photographs – that's one of the reasons you shoud never trust them.
I am reaching the end of my life and I feel an obligation towards you.
I shall have to go to Shropshire tomorrow and talk to the lawyer. Start fixing up the funeral.


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