Questão 05c32cf1-b7
Prova:UECE 2010
Assunto:Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Análise sintática | Syntax Parsing
The sentence: “We can hardly avoid using the term
(realism) on occasions, particularly when we mean
to suggest that a work of literature has
verisimilitude or in some way possesses that kind of
authenticity which is generally believed to be an
essential quality in a work of literature.” contains
The sentence: “We can hardly avoid using the term
(realism) on occasions, particularly when we mean
to suggest that a work of literature has
verisimilitude or in some way possesses that kind of
authenticity which is generally believed to be an
essential quality in a work of literature.” contains

CUDDON, J. A. The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms
and Literary Theory. New York: Penguin Books, 1998.
CUDDON, J. A. The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms
and Literary Theory. New York: Penguin Books, 1998.
Adjective clause.
Past continuous tense.
Conditional clause.
Future continuous tense.