Questão 00fdf7d2-39
Prova:PUC - PR 2014
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Select the alternative that is TRUE to the text.

                            Brainy, Yes, but Far From Handy

STANFORD, Calif. — In factories and warehouses, robots routinely outdo humans in strength and precision. Artificial intelligence software can drive cars, beat grandmasters at chess and leave “Jeopardy!" champions in the dust.
But machines still lack a critical element that will keep them from eclipsing most human capabilities anytime soon: a well-developed sense of touch.
Consider Dr. Nikolas Blevins, a head and neck surgeon at Stanford Health Care who routinely performs ear operations requiring that he shave away bone deftly enough to leave an inner surface as thin as the membrane in an eggshell.
Dr. Blevins is collaborating with the roboticists J. Kenneth Salisbury and Sonny Chan on designing software that will make it possible to rehearse these operations before performing them. The program blends X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging data to create a vivid three-dimensional model of the inner ear, allowing the surgeon to practice drilling away bone, to take a visual tour of the patient's skull and to virtually “feel" subtle differences in cartilage, bone and soft tissue. Yet no matter how thorough or refined, the software provides only the roughest approximation of Dr. Blevins's sensitive touch.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: setembro de 2014.

Robots can do almost everything better than man, but man's sense of touch.
Artificial intelligence is surpassing man's intelligence.
Robots will soon eclipse man's capabilities.
New software will soon perform very thorough surgeries.
The software's touch is better than Dr. Blevin's sensitive touch.


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