Questão 000cfc81-f0
Prova:Esamc 2019
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

. A partir da leitura do segundo parágrafo do texto, pode-se concluir que

Considere o texto a seguir para a questão.

Why Orwell’s 1984 could be about now
By Jean Seaton - 7 May 2018

    The book, with its disorientating first sentence, “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen”, defines the peculiar characteristics of modern tyranny. In 1984 television screens watch you, and everyone spies on everyone else. Today it is social media that collects every gesture, purchase, comment we make online, and feeds an omniscient presence in our lives that can predict our every preference. Modelled on consumer choices, where the user is the commodity that is being marketed, the harvesting of those preferences for political campaigns is now distorting democracy.

    But the greatest horror in Orwell’s dystopia is the systematic stripping of meaning out of language. The regime aims to eradicate words and the ideas and feelings they embody. Its real enemy is reality. Tyrannies attempt to make understanding the real world impossible: seeking to replace it with phantoms and lies.

(Adaptado de: 20180507-why-orwells-1984-could-be-about-now - Acessado em: 11/03/2019.

o regime pretendia impedir a compreensão da realidade por meio de modificações na língua.
o livro de Orwell utiliza palavras com sentidos incompreensíveis para leitores contemporâneos.
Orwell escreveu livros de horror nos quais relata cenas de tortura como arrancar línguas e mutilar corpos.
o regime pretendia erradicar as emoções e ideias transmitidas por meio da linguagem corporal.
as tiranias tentavam compreender as impossibilidades do mundo real, com seus fantasmas e mentiras.


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