Questão 00076295-f0
Segundo o texto, o trabalho “Webcam Poetry”
Segundo o texto, o trabalho “Webcam Poetry”
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Poetry for a surveillance society
Joseph McAllister combines technologies with media to produce unique art
Thu, Jun 14, 2018, 06:35 - Marie Boran
I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a …webcam? Joseph
McAllister describes himself as “a computational artist and privacy
advocate”. He combines technologies like machine learning and programming with media including sculpture and interactive theatre to
produce unique art for the increasingly technocratic age we live in.
His latest work is Webcam Poetry, which uses a machine learning
method known as “dense captioning”, a method that detects objects in
video footage and produces descriptions in natural language. Combined
with his own programming (he calls it his poetry engine), it takes live
streaming webcam footage and “writes” poems based on what it sees.
(Adaptado de: poetry-for-a-surveillance-society-1.3528084 - Acessado em 07/03/2019.)
Considere a notícia a seguir para responder à questão.
Poetry for a surveillance society
Joseph McAllister combines technologies with media to produce unique art
Thu, Jun 14, 2018, 06:35 - Marie Boran
I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a …webcam? Joseph
McAllister describes himself as “a computational artist and privacy
advocate”. He combines technologies like machine learning and programming with media including sculpture and interactive theatre to
produce unique art for the increasingly technocratic age we live in.
His latest work is Webcam Poetry, which uses a machine learning
method known as “dense captioning”, a method that detects objects in
video footage and produces descriptions in natural language. Combined
with his own programming (he calls it his poetry engine), it takes live
streaming webcam footage and “writes” poems based on what it sees.
(Adaptado de: poetry-for-a-surveillance-society-1.3528084 - Acessado em 07/03/2019.)
é produzido a partir de descrições automáticas de objetos capturados em imagens de vídeo que são convertidas em poemas por um
programa de computador.
é um trabalho de arte que transforma legendas de filmes em poemas utilizando “machine learning” e programação.
combina tecnologia e arte para desenvolver programas de computador mais eficientes e “humanos”.
é feito a partir das descrições poéticas de cenas do cotidiano gravadas por câmeras instaladas por um artista perto de esculturas e
salas de teatro.
apresenta poemas escritos por programas de computador a partir
de fotos de esculturas e imagens de cenas de peças de teatro.